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    Ciro Conversano

    Ciro Conversano
    University of Pisa, Italy
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
    Tel: +39 3382694718; + 39

    More Info.

    Editorial Board

    Lawrence D. Ginsberg
    University of Miami

    Lawrence D. Ginsberg, M.D., C.E.O. of Red Oak Psychiatry Assoc., P.A., has been a private practice psychiatrist for 39 years. He partakes in outpatient pharmacotherapeutic care as well as psychiatric clinical research, participating as a principal investigator in over 200 clinical trials. Dr. Ginsberg is a frequent lecturer for many pharmaceutical companies on a variety of psychopharmacology topics. He is also the author of over one hundred posters, abstracts, journal articles, and monographs.

    Research Interest: Psychopharmacological management of autism, ADHD, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, depression, PTSD, and schizophrenia

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    Loannis D Morres
    Department of Physical Education & Sport Science Exercise Psychology & Quality of Life Lab
    University of Thessaly

    Research Interest: Physical Exercise, Psychiatric Disorders, Mental Health, Depression.

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    Janine Stevenson
    Clinical Associate Professor
    Department of Psychological Medicine
    Sydney University

    Research Interest: Personality disorders, psychotherapy, psychogeriatrics, dementia.


    • 1983, Stevenson, J New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry Fellowship ‘Outcome of Psychotherapy in Borderline Patients’.

    •  2002 Meares R, Stevenson J, NHMRC research grant, “Borderline personality disorder: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate patient outcome after psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy (PIP) at Cumberland Hospital” ID 219214 for $100,000 over 2 years. These two studies have produced over 10 publications and have resulted in invitations to speak at the American Psychiatric Association Conference in New York, and the ISSPD conference in Florence.

    •  2013 NHMRC Project grant application: “ Emotional and cognitive processing in adults with conversion disorder: an integrated developmental neuroscience and relational perspective”


    1.    Stevenson J & Meares R. An Outcome study of Psychotherapy for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder.  Am J Psychiatry 149:3, March 1992. (Impact factor 14.72). This was a landmark publication, the first outcome study of the effects of psychotherapy in borderline personality disorder. It has been widely cited in the personality disorder literature.

    2.    Taylor, M. A., Stevenson J. & Meares, R. 1993. Psychotherapy and borderline personality disorder [17]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 847-848 (Impact factor 14.72)
    3.    Fairley M, Jones RC, McGuire BE, et al.: Multiple personality disorder in an intellectually disabled man: a case report. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 29:146-149, 1995. (Impact factor 3.29)

    4.    Stevenson J Outcome Studies of Psychotherapy in Borderline Personality Disorders.  Directions in Psychiatry. Vol 15, No 5, March 8, 1995

    5.    Sara G, Stevenson J and Green A.  Personality Disorder and serious mental illness:  Australasian Psychiatry 1995; 3:  265-268.

    6.    Meares R, Stevenson J, Comerford A (1999) Psychotherapy with Borderline Patients, I: a comparison between treated and untreated cohorts.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 33; 467-472.

    7.    Stevenson J, Meares R (1999) Psychotherapy with Borderline Patients, II: a preliminary cost benefit study.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 33; 473-477
    This study was influential in the introduction of Medicare Item 319, which allows patients with severe personality disorders to have in depth psychotherapy.

    8.    Hall J, Caleo S, Stevenson J. (1999) Economic analysis of Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Patients (Project Report 9) CHERE, University of Sydney

    9.    Meares R, Stevenson J, Gordon E.  A Jacksonian and biopsychosocial hypothesis concerning borderline and related phenomena:  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 33:  831-840

    10.    Meares R. & Stevenson, J. 2000. Borderline personality disorder.[comment]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34, 869-71

    11.    Stevenson J, Comerford A, Meares R. (2003) Diminished impulsivity in Older Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,160,165-166. (Impact factor 14.72)

    12.    Jane Hall, Sue Caleo, Janine Stevenson, Russell Meares. (2001) An Economic Analysis of Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder Patients.  The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 4, 3-8

    13.    Meares R, Stevenson J, D’Angelo R. (2002) Eysenck’s challenge to Psychotherapy:  A view of the effects 50 years on. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 36:812-815

    14.    Stevenson J, Meares R, D’Angelo R.  Five-year outcome of outpatient psychotherapy with borderline patients. Psychological Medicine, 2005,35,79-87 (Impact factor 6.16)

    15.    Yee, L., Korner, A.J., McSwiggan, S., Meares, R.A., Stevenson, J.  Persistent hallucinosis in borderline personality disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 46:147-154. (Impact factor 4.28)

    16.    YeeL., Korner A. J., McSwiggan S., Meares, R. A. & Stevenson, J. 2005. Erratum: Persistent hallucinosis in borderline personality disorder (Comprehensive Psychiatry (2005) 46 (147-154) DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2004.07. 032). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 46, 238.

    17.    Korner, A., Gerull, F., Meares, R., Stevenson, J. (2006) Borderline Personality Disorder treated with the Conversational Model: A replication study.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47(5): 406-11

    18.    Stevenson J. Personality Disorder in the Elderly and the Effect on Outcome of comorbid Axis I Disorder. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, vol. 18, no.6: 318-319

    19.    Gerull FC, Meares R, Stevenson J, Korner A & Newman L (2008) The beneficial effect on family life in treating borderline personality. Psychiatry Interpersonal & Biological Processes. 71(1) Spring 2008 pp59-70

    20.    Anthony Korner, Friederike Gerull, Janine Stevenson, Russell Meares.(2007) Harm avoidance, self-harm, psychic pain, and the borderline personality: life in a “haunted house”  Comprehensive Psychiatry,  48 (3) 303-308

    21.    Meares, Gerull, Korner, Melkonian, Stevenson, Samir.  Somatization and Stimulus Entrapment. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 36(1) 165-180, 2008

    22.    Korner A, Gerull F, Meares R, Stevenson J. The Nothing that is something: Core dysphoria as the central feature of Borderline Personality Disorder. Am J Psychotherapy 2008 62:4 377-394

    23.    Stevenson J, Boyce P & Brodaty H. (2008) Complex Case: The Relationship between and treatment of, DSM Axis I and II disorders encountered in combination. Personality and Mental Health 2: 274-282 Invited paper

    24.    Stevenson (2009) Commentary: Emergence of borderline personality features in the sixth decade of life by Michael Casher and Daniel Gih. Personality and Mental Health 3:80-83 Invited paper

    25.    Haliburn, J., Stevenson, J., Gerull, F. (2009) A university psychotherapy training program in a psychiatric hospital: 25 years of the conversational model in the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder. Australasian Psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. 2009; 17:25-8.

    26.    Stevenson J, Boyce P, Brodaty H, Datyner A. (2011) "The Effect of age on prevalence, type and diagnosis of personality disorder in psychiatric inpatients." International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26:981-987

    27.    Meares R, Gerull F, Stevenson J, Korner A. (2011) Is self disturbance the core of borderline personality disorder? An outcome study of borderline personality factors. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 45:214-222

    28.    Stevenson J, Brodaty H, Boyce P, Byth K. (2011) Personality disorder comorbidity and outcome: comparison of three age groups Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 00:1-9

    29.    Stevenson J, Brodaty H, Boyce P, Byth K. (2012) Does age mediate effect of personality disorder on coping style in psychiatric inpatients? J of Psychiatric Practice vol 18, no 3 187- 198

    30.    Bayes A, McClure G, Fletcher K, Ruiz Y, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Stevenson J, Manicavasager V, Parker G (2015) Differentiating the bipolar disorders from borderline personality disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2015: 1-9

    31.    Stevenson J (2015) Borderline Personality Disorder: the difficult patient. Medicine Today vol 16 no 3 p65-70

    32.    Stevenson J & Haliburn J Trauma, Personality Disorders and Chronic Depression – the role of the Conversational Model of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Treatment Resistant Depression. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 2015 ISSN: 0266-8734

    33.    McLean L, Korner A, Haliburn J, Stevenson J, Crisante S, Halovic S. Teaching local clinicians the Conversational Model: Process and early outcomes of the “Scholarship Program” and “Walking the Talk”. Conference Paper. ANZJP May 2014

    34.    Parker G, Bayes A, McClure G, Roman Ruiz del Moral Y, Stevenson J. Clinical Status of comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry Jun 2016,bjp.bp. 115.177998; DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.177998

    35.    Halovic S, Korner A, McLean L, Chapman CL, Stevenson J et al. Conversation in the making of mind. The art and science of psychotherapy. Conference presentation 2016

    36.    Halovic S, Korner A, McLean L, Meares R, Stevenson J et al. Development of the CMAS: Adherence Scales. Conference presentation, Jan 2016

    37.    Halovic S, Korner A, McLean L, Stevenson J, et al. Using the CMAS to measure adherence to the Conversational Model: how expertise influences CMAS ratings. Conference presentation, Dec 2016

    38.    Stevenson, J. Book Review. Australasian Psychiatry

    39.    Haliburn J, Stevenson J, Halovic S. Integration in the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Severe Personality Disorders: The Conversational Model. J of Personality Disorders 2017 (doi:10.1521/pedi_2017_31_290)

    40.    Haliburn J, Stevenson J, Halovic S. . Integration in the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Severe Personality Disorders: The Conversational Model. J of Personality Disorders Feb 2018, Vol 32, No 1:pp 70-86

    41.    Stevenson J, Injeti R. Self Harm in Medicine Today August, 2018 p401-403

    42.    Stevenson J, Haliburn J, Halovic S, Korner A. Trauma, dissociation and Personality Disorder Severity: A Psychiatric Inpatient Study. ANZJP 52(S2) May 2018

    43.    Haliburn J, Stevenson J, Halovic S, Korner A. Partnerships in Mental Health: Collaboration in Short-Term Dynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Adolescents. ANZJP, May 2018

    44.    Halovic S, Korner A, McLean L, Stevenson J. The Value of Psychotherapy Adherence Scales in Measuring and Developing Psychotherapy Expertise. ANZCP May 2018

    45.    Korner A, Halovic S, Haliburn J, Stevenson J, McLean L et al The Evolution of the Conversational Model and its Application to Group Psychotherapy. ANZJP May 2018

    More Info.
    Shahrokh Amiri
    Deptartment of Psychiatry Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

    Research Interest: ADHD and Autistic disorder.

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    Ho Chang Kuo
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pediatrics
    Chang Gung University

    Research Interest: Kawasaki disease.

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    Beata Tarnacka
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Rehabilitation
    Silesian Medical University, Katowice

    Research Interest: Wilson's disease, Parkinson's disease, neurorehabiltation.

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    Laura Mandelli
    Postdoc research fellow
    Department of Biomedical/Neuromotor Science
    University of Bologna

    Research Interest: Major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, suicide, personality, psychiatric genetics.

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    Igor Skodacek
    Associate Professor
    Head of Child Psychiatry of Medical School
    Comenius University

    Research Interest: Child and adolescent psychiatry, Dependences on Psychoactive Substances at Youth, Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology at Children and Youth, Social Psychiatry at Children-CAN syndrome, Social Care.

    More Info.
    Yoshiaki Kikuchi
    Department of Frontier Health Science
    Tokyo Metropolitan University

    Research Interest: Neuroimaging, Psychiatry, Brain Science, Humanity, Love, Nostalgia,

    Self-esteem, reward system, resilience, homeostasis, interoception, emotion, Beauty, Brain.

    More Info.
    Shailesh Jain
    Associate Professor
    Deptartment of Psychiatry Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

    Dr. shailesh Jain, MD, MPH, ABDA is the Regional Chair, Dept of Psychiatry at The Texas Tech Health Science Center, Permian Basin, Texas. He attended university of Calcutta, India (Calcutta Medical College) for his medical education. He had his adult and child psychiatry training at University of Texas, Medical Branch Galveston and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas respectively. He did NIMH sponsored T-32 Research Fellowship at university of Texas, southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. He is certified by American Board of psychiatry and neurology, American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, American board of psychosomatic medicine, American society of clinical psychopharmacology and American board of disability analysts. He has been recognized as one of the \\\\Future leaders of psychiatry\\\\ and has received a number of teaching awards for graduate and under graduate medical education. He is respected as a public educator in the field of mental health awareness and appeared on a number of media outlets. He is widely published and a recognized educator

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    Sam Vaknin
    CIAPS (Commonwealth Institute for Advanced Professional Studies)
    United Kingdom

    Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited as well as many other books and ebooks about topics in psychology, relationships, philosophy, economics, international affairs, and award-winning short fiction. He is former Visiting Professor of Psychology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia and Professor of Clinical Psychology and of Business Management in CIAPS (Commonwealth Institute of Advanced and Professional Studies), Cambridge and Birmingham, UK; Ontario, Canada; Lagos, Nigeria.

    He was the Editor-in-Chief of Global Politician and served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, eBookWeb , and Bellaonline, and as a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent. He was the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101. His YouTube channels garnered 80,000,000 views and 400,000 subscribers.


    Publications and Awards

    "Managing Investment Portfolios in States of Uncertainty", Limon Publishers, Tel-Aviv, 1988
    "The Gambling Industry", Limon Publishers, Tel-Aviv, 1990
    "Requesting My Loved One: Short Stories", Miskal-Yedioth Aharonot, Tel-Aviv, 1997
    "The Suffering of Being Kafka” (electronic book of Hebrew and English Short Fiction), Prague, 1998-2004
    "The Macedonian Economy at a Crossroads – On the Way to a Healthier Economy" (dialogues with Nikola Gruevski), Skopje, 1998
    "The Exporter’s Pocketbook" Ministry of Trade, Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 1999
    "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited", Narcissus Publications, Prague, 1999-2007 (Read excerpts - click here)
    The Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Abuse in Relationships Series
    (E-books regarding relationships with abusive narcissists and psychopaths), Prague, 1999-2010
    Personality Disorders Revisited
    (e-book about personality disorders), Prague, 2007
    "After the Rain – How the West Lost the East", Narcissus Publications in association with Central Europe Review/CEENMI, Prague and Skopje, 2000
    More than 30 e-books about psychology, international affairs, business and economics, philosophy, short fiction, and reference (free download here)
    Winner of numerous awards, among them Israel's Council of Culture and Art Prize for Maiden Prose (1997), The Rotary Club Award for Social Studies (1976), and the Bilateral Relations Studies Award of the American Embassy in Israel (1978).
    Hundreds of professional articles in all fields of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political economic issues published in both print and Web periodicals in many countries.
    Many appearances in the electronic and print media on subjects in psychology, philosophy, and the sciences, and concerning economic matters.
    Citations via Google Scholar page

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    Liliana Dell'Osso
    Vice President
    Italian Sociaety of Psychiatri
    University of Pisa

    Research Interest: Psychopathology and clinical pharmacology to neurobiology and genetics.

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    Mohammad Qasim Abdullah
    Clinical psychology and Mental Health
    University of Aleppo
    Syrian Arab Republic

    He received Bachelor of Psychology (University of Damascus), the First graduate.

     -Obtained   PhD.  And C. P. Sc. D. in Clinical psychology and mental health, From Hungarian Academy of Science - University of Budapest " English"

    -Received many honor certificates, diploma and Prizes for contributing, researching   and supervision of psychological practice and training programs at couples of organization and institutions. Professor of psychology at many Universities in Syria and Board.   

    1- Vice –dean of faculty education for scientific affairs (1997-2001),

     2-Vice-dean of faculty of education for Students and Administrative Affairs (2008-2011),

     3-Dean of Faculty of education (20012-2015),

     4- Vice-president of university of Aleppo (2015……)

    Currently: professor of clinical psychology and mental health, Dept. counseling psychology faculty of Education, University of Aleppo, Syrian Arab republic.

    Research Interest: Psychopathology and Abnormal psychology. Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Personality, Counseling theories and psychotherapy. Research and science ethics, Personality theories and clinical implications. Psychological processes and cognitive functions, Adolescent and child mental health. Topics of positive psychology Such as optimism, well-being, self-concept and self-esteem, pleasure, lifestyle, life-quality….) educational & psychological research methodology, Health and medical psychology.


     1- ( 51 ) Research Articles in the fields of psychology educational sciences. (Published in: international, Arab, and Syrian Journals).

     2- (48) Studies and Review articles in psychology and Education.( Published in : international , Arab ,and  Syrian Journals).

    3- (28) Books have been published in the fields of Psychology, e.g. : Psychotherapy (2012), psychopathology (2015), Counseling psychology (2010), Theories of psychological Counseling(2011), Introduction to mental health(2001), personality : Clinical Implications (2005), Psychology of Intuition (2005), Child and Adolescent Behavioral Problems (2008), Child Psychopathology (2000), Positive Psychology(2013), Sexual Education (2017), Educational Sociology (2007), New trends in mental health (2003), Psychology of memory (2004), Health Psychology (2009), Medical Psychology (2010), Science and career ethics  (2014) …..

    4-Lectures and sessions in psychological and Educational Sciences at many social, Health and academic organizations and institutions.

    Scientific Interests:

    Psychopathology and Abnormal psychology. Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Personality, Counseling theories and psychotherapy. Research and science ethics, Personality theories and clinical implications. Psychological processes and cognitive functions, Adolescent and child mental health. Topics of positive psychology Such as optimism, well-being, self-concept and self-esteem, pleasure, lifestyle, life-quality….) educational & psychological research methodology, Health and medical psychology.  

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