Peertechz Publications  Peertechz Publications Online Submission

Peertechz is an international Open Access, peer-reviewed podium which aims to provide scientists, researchers, academicians, students and engineers with up-to-date research in a broad extent of areas, and to facilitate the global exchange and review of ideas, research and expertise among individuals in the scientific community.

Submit Manuscript

Thank you for considering Peertechz Open Access Journal as a venue for your work.

Submission of manuscript/article is very easy and quick process. If you are ready to submit your full length manuscript, use our email address: [email protected]

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Submission Guidelines

  1. Front page should contain title, forenames and surnames of all authors, each author's affiliations. Abstract and keywords.
  2. Manuscript should contain the page numbers, American English spelling.
  3. MS Word (doc or docx), PDF, RTF, or ODF format
    LaTeX users: use any common template and be sure to include a PDF output file.
  4. Reference format should be arranged as provided templates.
  5. Check figures (make sure figures are clear without blurring or pixellation at normal size), tables and supplementary files (If figures or tables are large supply them in separate files).

If you feel any difficulty in paper submission, please mail us [email protected]

All submissions to Peertechz is published under the Creative Common Attribution License which allows anyone to copy, distribute or reuse the articles by properly citing the author and the original source.

Important Ethical and Legal Points

  1. Make sure that all authors/contributors are properly identified and that any contributions by scientific/medical writers are disclosed
  2. Ensure that you have disclosed any possible conflicts of interest, and supplied a disclosure form
  3. If your manuscript contains the material taken from other sources it must be cited appropriately and permission should be given by the copyright owner (if it is copyrighted)

All manuscripts shall be peer reviewed and decisions about a manuscript will be based only on its importance, clarity, originality, quality, contribution to knowledge and relevance to the journal's scope and content. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the above criteria for publication.